Visit a Rehearsal

Why not come and give us a try? 

If you'd like to sing with Luton Choral Society, contact our membership secretary (see the footer below) or just come along to a rehearsal.  These take place on Tuesdays from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at St Paul's Church Luton (see map below) and a video about the venue here

New singers are always welcome.  You don't need to be able to read music, just to sing in tune, and there is no formal audition. If you are not sure if choral singing is for you, just come along to a rehearsal to find out - no fee or commitment required.

Have a listen to an interview we gave with BBC 3 counties radio in 2006 with Georgia Mann (since moved to BBC Radio 3) which explains more about us (ignore the bit about auditions which are not normally required)
here. It opens in a new window

For more details about membership please go to our Membership page

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Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Luton Choral Society